There are people who believe that in the battle between friendship and love, friendship will always win.
They prioritize friendship over seeking a relationship with their partner, with friends at the center of their universe over romantic partners.
We won't go that far as there may be room for both. Friendship and relationship should not contradict each other.
But for a good balance in your life, it is important to consider one relationship as important as another.
So why is friendship as important as a relationship with a romantic partner? Is there any way that friendship is better than love?
Let's take a look at some of the different ways that why friendship is better than relationship.
You are more yourself
It takes a while for people to really be in a romantic relationship. You try to judge or let the person see the real you before you are really ready.
They may think you're scaring them if you're too real, too early, too stupid, too casual, or too serious.
With friendship it is usually different. If you have been careful to find good friends who share your interests and whom you can trust, you should be pretty sure that you will be around them without attachment.
They like who you are and vice versa. They love it when you're stupid and sad, and they know you'll support them across the emotional spectrum.
A friend can also be a sounding board for you as you navigate your way into a new romantic relationship, providing advice on when to finally break down those walls with a potential partner. They should be there for what you need.
Friends can be soul mates too
Having a close friend with whom you can share anything without fear of being destined to share even the most difficult things is a powerful thing.
Connecting with friends on a deeper level and finding friendships that will last beyond the latest trends you are passionate about or your chosen hobby are key components to positive personal growth.
Not only romantic partners can be your soulmate in life. Your best friend should be loyal and generous with their time and a safe place to go when you feel lost.
Good friends help you learn more about yourself
Depending on the level of brutal honesty in your romantic relationship, you may not always get a complete picture of your preferences or your true feelings on an issue.
Just as you're embarrassed to say the wrong thing, they're probably in the same boat when they come up with the right words to express their opinion.
It's usually different with good friends. A very good friend will call you, in the most productive way of course, when you are being rude, you must be wrong or you are not yourself.
They can also tell if something is wrong by asking you to discuss or review it until you are ready to raise your concern. There is more room for forgiveness if you can be more authentic with a friend or tell a longer story.
They give you perspective
Romantic relationships can create bubbles for couples, especially when their belief systems and opinions are similar.
With friendship, it will be easier to hear the other person's point of view, especially when it is different from yours.
There's not a lot of pressure to agree with everything your friend says because you may have fostered the friendship by taking those differences into account.
Reading a romantic partner's point of view can cause some limitations in your own ability to grow and appreciate different points of view.
Friendship makes you a better partner
You don't have to do everything with a romantic partner. You and your partner can have different interests and still be successful as a couple.
This is where friends can step in and get involved in things you enjoy that your partner isn't interested in.
This will make you happier in your romantic relationship because you won't have to give up activities you enjoy and it will make your partner happier. You may have some interests that you don't really care about.
There is also an old saying about absence that always eases the heart. A short distance, whether it's a night out with a friend or even a night out with a best friend, shouldn't ruin a strong romantic relationship.
You need to demonstrate a certain level of comfort between the two of you, that you can both do your part from time to time while strengthening your friendship.
Friends are important. Make it easy to find friends who not only match your interests, but are also genuinely interested in building positive and lasting friendships. Friends can help with that.